DataSafe starts a new chapter of document storage in Thailand, using automated storage technology to enhance efficiency up to 50%, plus convenience, fast service delivery and precision.
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DataSaferecently opened a new document warehouse with the Automated Storage Retrieval System (ASRS) that allows for fast and convenient handling and placing. It also helps shorten the storage time and free up document storage space. The total storage capacity of this new facility is 4,955 square meters, which is capable of storing more than 600,000 boxes, making it the first large-scale document warehouse in the country to use an automated storage system.
Highlighted features of DataSafe’s automated document storage warehouse
DataSafe Company Limited, a subsidiary of the JWD Group, provides a complete range of document and data storage services with more than 30 years of experience. The company currently has 3 locations in Thailand: Suwitawong in Chachoengsao Province, Laem Chabang in Chonburi Province and the other one in Chiang Mai Province. It also has one overseas office in Cambodia.
JWD’s Y2020 performance tops MB 3,900 – 7.2% growth despite COVID-19 Boosts of diverse logistics capabilities, business expansion domestically and broad Green light given for 0.22 baht/share dividend payment
The overall business performance in 2020 showed higher total revenue than in previous year, although there have been challenges in operating under the conditions of economic slowdown and the COVID-19 pandemic. The Company posted a total revenue of 3,922.4 million baht – a 7.23-percent increase over the previous years’ figure of 3,660.2 million baht. Some businesses have been adversely affected when the lockdown and curfew measures were imposed in the past year, such as the automotive and hazardous cargo warehousing and management businesses, resulting in the 2020 net profit of 290.0 million baht, compared to 362.8 million baht in 2019. For 2021, with the Company’s potential and capabilities, the year is expected to see a growth in revenue and profit. In addition, the automotive business along with the hazardous material warehousing and management businesses of JWD has shown clear recovery.
JWD Safety Center represented JWD InfoLogistics to receive the prestigious Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety, Health and Work Environment Year 2020 at the National Level (Gold Level): Year 1.
On March 1, JWD Safety Center was presented the prestigious Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety, Health and Work Environment Year 2020 at the National Level (Gold Level): Year 1 by the Minister of Labor. This award demonstrates the company’s commitment to and awareness of safety and environmental preservation. JWD has been sharing the value of this mindset with the operating staff, customers and the surrounding communities in a sustainable and continuous way.
JWD Safety Center participated in the virtual inspection of assessment preparation, which was conducted by a team of auditors from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This was recently hosted by the Marine Department, the Port Authority of Thailand.
On February 25, JWD Center for Safety participated in welcoming an audit team who demonstrated an explanatory mock up audit under a preparatory program in preparation for the assessment by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which was conducted by the Marine Department. The Center’s representatives also attended a lecture on dangerous goods management and environmental safety along with a field visit to the Bangkok Port as part of the preparation program in collaboration with the Laem Chabang Port for future audit activities at the Laem Chabang Port.
Mr. Nattapume Pavaratn, SVP, together with Mr. Tanet Piriyothinkul, CCO, attended the seminar on “Linking Agricultural Logistics for Export: Year 2021”
On February 23, Mr. Nattapume Pavaratn, SVP of JWD, attended a press conference on “Linking Agricultural Logistics for Export: Year 2021.” Also seen in the picture is Mr. Tanet Piriyothinkul, CCO of JWD, who participated in the seminar on “The New Era of Logistics Business and Competitive Advantages for the Thai Agricultural Sector” which was organized by the Department of International Trade Promotion.
Dr. Eakapong Tungsrisanguan, CFO, was invited as a lecturer to students from Aoyama Business School.
On February 14, Dr. Eakapong Tungsrisanguan, CFO, was invited as a guest lecturer on “Logistics Business in Thailand” to master’s degree students at the Faculty of Business Administration, Aoyama Business School in Japan, as part of an exchange program in partnership with Thammasat Business School.
Dr. Eakapong Tungsrisanguan, CFO, gave a special online lecture on “Financial Management” at Naresuan University.
On February 7, Dr. Eakapong Tungsrisanguan, CFO, was invited by Naresuan University to give a special online lecture on “Financial Management” for MBA students at the Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Communication.
Talk with STARS
Interview with Mr. Uthen Thongdee, a hero without a magical power but with a giving spirit
On February 9th, we received a message from Ms. Naan Prapimpan via JWD Group’s Facebook saying that one of our staff helped victims in a 5-vehicle crash that caught fire on the Kanchanaphisek Road.
Today we had a chance to talk with Mr. Uthen Thongdee, a JWD Transport’s trailer driver, who opened up about what happened. “At that time, the incident happened very quickly. The fire was burning. Many cars collided. I thought there might be someone trapped in the cars. I had a fire extinguisher that could save their lives, or otherwise, at least it would help make the situation less serious.”
“I drove through that route to deliver a car to the customer. After seeing the accident, I decided to park the trailer just beside the road, more than 100 meters away from the accident to ensure the customer’s car was safe as much as possible. Then I took a fire extinguisher from the trailer to help extinguish the fire. At that time I was worried because the situation looked very serious. But at that moment we had everything ready. I had a fire extinguisher and I have already been trained for using that tool. The most important thing is to keep my consciousness as much as possible, ”said Uten in a determined tone and brought us to see the fire extinguisher on the trailer.
“As a driver, delivering a car to the customer car is the first priority and we must be responsible and do the best. But people’s lives are important as well. I went down to help extinguish the fire for about 10 minutes until the rescuers were able to get everything under control. Then I went back to the trailer and continued working.”
With a slight smile, Uten repeated “I didn’t think anyone would see what I was doing. I just worried about the people trapped in the cars.”
JWD Group would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to Khun Uthen Thongdee for his sacrifice and determination to do good without discouraging himself from handling a problem or an obstacle. What he had done is consistent with JWD’s STARS core value: Service attitude beyond customer’s expectations and stop at nothing to achieve the goal.
Together and again, let’s give a loud applaud to Khun Uthen Thongdee, a hero without a magical power but with a giving spirit. He is so special for us.
Rules of activity
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Award winners will be announced in the April Issue of Stars Updates
* The judges’ decision is final.
* Rewards can be adjusted in accordance with the discretion of the judges.
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