JWD Sweeps Top Honors at SET AWARDS 2021

JWD would like to sincerely thank you to all employees and stakeholders who are contributed to the continued growth of the company in this crisis which reflects the outstanding potential in the business operation that adapt constantly even in the COVID-19 situation and reinforces that the business is operated under the sustainable development scheme by considering all stakeholders.
And these are honor awards…
- Rising Star Sustainability Awards from SET AWARDS 2021
- Best Investor Relations Awards from SET AWARDS 2021
- Listed as “Thailand Sustainability Investment 2021” for the 4th consecutive years from the Stock Exchange of Thailand
- Received the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2021 with the excellent level (5 Stars) for the 2nd consecutive years from the Thai Institute of Directors Association
- Receive the quality assessment for the Annual General Meetings of Shareholders 2021 with a full score of 100 for the 4th consecutive years from the Thai Investors Association