JWD extends its business to Pharma & Healthcare Transportation and Specimen Collection Management.

On 12 July, JWD Group, led by Mr. Charvanin Bunditkitsada, CEO and Mr. Tanate Piriyothinkul, Chief Commercial Officer together with Dr. Chuchart Winitwatanakun, Chief Executive Officer of Future Health Innovation Technology Ltd. or Finno Health and Mr. Abhisit Uttarawichien, Chief Executive Officer of Fondooz Services Technology joined in the press conference of ‘Database System Development and Artificial Intelligence Processing for COVID-19 Diagnosis with Mass Spectrometry Technique Project’ by Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre, Faculty of Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. The technique applies information technology with appropriate medical innovation to drive different business models for addressing the upcoming disruption after this critical COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Realizing the importance of the development and researches by this project’s researchers, JWD has consequently contributed to the advance of Healthcare Logistics & Supply Chain Business which facilitates the disease control efficiency for both government and private sectors. Furthermore, it supports research projects in the process of the preparation, the specimen collection and Supply Chain process that reaches international transportation – with the sorting of pharma and healthcare transportation as well as specimen collection management for its group’s future development of new business models.